Documentary “The Little Prince: A Star is Born” by Vincent Nguyen

16, Nov, 2023

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s legendary novel, immerse yourself in the essence of the Little Prince universe with Vincent Nguyen’s documentary.

Exploring Saint Exupéry’s memories in flashbacks, this film tells the story of how his author transformed a children’s tale into a universal philosophical fable that transcends ages, cultures, and eras.

This ambitious project breaks the codes of classic documentaries by closely blending exclusive archive footage, photos, and animation to recreate the written testimonies as faithfully as possible.




⭐ Coming soon to your screens ⭐



©Le Petit Prince : naissance d’une étoile de Vincent NGUYEN 2023 – Les Films d’Ici – BarnaBe Productions – Promenons-nous dans les bois – Les Films d’Ici Méditerranée – ARTE – TV3 Catalunya

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